Graham's Law of Effusion

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Naslov Graham's Law of Effusion
Opis Students determine that the ratio of the rates of effusion and the average velocities of the particles of a mixture of heavy molecules and light molecules, at constant temperature,are the same. They use the ratio of the rates of effusion to determine the ratio of molar masses of the heavy (H) and light (H) molecules.
Subjekt Hemija
Nivo High School (Viša škola)
Tip Lab
Trajanje 60 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi Effusion, Graham's Law of Effusion, Kinetic-Theory of Gases, molar mass

Autori: Roberto Marrero
Škola / Organizacija Brentwood High School, Williamson Co, TN
Poslato 1/18/10
Obnovljeno 1/18/10