Exploring How Light Behaves at Boundaries Qızıl ulduz PhET dizayn qaydalarına əməl edən yüksək keyfiyyətli, sorğuya əsaslanan fəaliyyətləri göstərir.

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Title Exploring How Light Behaves at Boundaries
Description Students will verify Snell's Law through a student developed investigation. They will determine the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection experimentally.
Subject Physics
Level High School
Type Lab
Duration 60 minutes
Answers Included No
Language İngiliscə
Keywords bending light, refraction, snells law
Simulation(s) İşığın sınması (HTML5), Bending Light

Author(s) Elyse Zimmer
School / Organization KIPP Houston Public Schools
Date submitted 7/21/14
Date updated 4/2/18