Modelling Motion

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主題 Modelling Motion
說明 This activity uses the pendulum lab to allow students to investigate the motion of a pendulum, relationship between acceleration, velocity and displacement and the principles of energy transformation and conservation. Students will use the simulation to manipulate variables such as the length of the pendulum, the amplitude of the swing, or the mass of the bob, and observe how these changes affect the motion of the pendulum. The teacher will guide students through the experiment, prompting them to collect and analyze data, draw conclusions based on their observations, and make connections to real-world scenarios. The goal of this activity is to help students develop a deeper understanding of the principles of energy transformation and conservation, the relationship between displacement, acceleration, and velocity, and connection to real-world situations.
科目 物理
程度 中學, 大學 - 簡介, 高中
類型 作業, 展示, 指引活動, 討論提示, 遠端學習
時間 120 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 acceleration, displacement, displacement, gravity, harmonic, kinematics, kinetic energy, motion, pendulum, period, potential energy
模擬教學 Pendulum Lab_鐘擺實驗室 (HTML5)

作者 Samuel Okoth Ogalo
學校 / 機構 African Maths Initative (AMI)
提交日期 2023/2/15
更新日期 2023/2/15