Projectile Motion Lab Report

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主題 Projectile Motion Lab Report
說明 This report is aimed to check the link between range and therefore the angle of the cannon with and without air resistance, similarly because of the maximum height. Furthermore, a projectile motion could be a two-dimensional motion within the XY-plane, which could be a combination of horizontal motion -along the x-axis- with constant velocity vx=vox and vertical motion -along the y-axis- with constant acceleration ay=-g.
科目 物理
程度 高中
類型 作業, 實驗室
時間 60 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 Height, Projectile, Projectile Motion, Range, Time, Velocity
模擬教學 Projectile Motion_拋射運動 (HTML5)

作者 Abdullah Salehi
學校 / 機構 University of Sharjah
提交日期 2020/11/20
更新日期 2020/11/22