Fraction Matcher Scaffolding Lesson 金星表示遵循 PhET 設計指引,高品質的活動。

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主題 Fraction Matcher Scaffolding Lesson
說明 We created this equivalent fraction lesson as a scaffold for students who will come with varying levels of understanding of the relevant math vocabulary and symbols/pictures used in the sim. It will be especially useful for English Language Learners and students with learning or language disabilities.
科目 數學
程度 K-5, 中學
類型 指引活動
時間 90 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 Fractions Scaffolding Emerging Bilingual Students English Language Learners Special Education
模擬教學 Fraction Matcher_分數的比較 (HTML5)

作者 Julie Litt and AnnMarie Fore
學校 / 機構 Altona Middle School
提交日期 2018/6/6
更新日期 2018/6/6