Acid Base Solutions - Concentration and Strength 金星表示遵循 PhET 設計指引,高品質的活動。

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主題 Acid Base Solutions - Concentration and Strength
說明 Learning goals: Students will be able to a)Generate or interpret molecular representations (words and/or pictures) for acid or base solutions. The student directions work for both the Java and html5 sims. Watch for updated clicker question images. b)Provide or use representations of the relative amounts of particles in acid or base solutions to estimate strength and/or concentration c)Use common tools (pH meter, conductivity, pH paper) of acid or base solutions to estimate strength and/or concentration
科目 化學
程度 大學 - 簡介, 高中
類型 作業, 實驗室, 遠端學習
語言 英語
關鍵字 acid, base, concentration, conductivity, electrolyte, inquiry, molecular representation, ph, phet, strength
模擬教學 Acid-Base Solutions_酸鹼溶液 (HTML5), 酸鹼溶液

作者 Trish Loeblein
學校 / 機構 PhET
提交日期 2011/7/26
更新日期 2020/4/27