Curve Fitting: How well does the curve describe the data? (Inquiry Based) 金星表示遵循 PhET 設計指引,高品質的活動。

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主題 Curve Fitting: How well does the curve describe the data? (Inquiry Based)
說明 This activity could be used in any course where students are asked to understand how well a curve describes a set of data. These are a few of the Learning Goals: Students will be able to: Explain how the range, uncertainty and number of data points affect correlation coefficient and Chi squared; Describe how correlation coefficient and chi squared can be used to indicate how well a curve describes the data relationship; Apply understanding of Curve Fitting to designing experiments
科目 化學, 數學, 物理
程度 大學 - 簡介, 高中
類型 實驗室
時間 60 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 chi squared, correlation coefficient, data, phet activity, regression
模擬教學 Curve Fitting_曲線擬合 (HTML5)

作者 Trish Loeblein, Mike Dubson
學校 / 機構 PhET
提交日期 2008/7/18
更新日期 2019/11/11