Introduction to Circuits Remote Lab 一颗金星 象征着 是通过PhET设计指南所设计出来的高质量的探究活动。

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标题 Introduction to Circuits Remote Lab
描述 This lab is designed for remote learning adapted from Argenta Price, Alan Calac Discovering patterns of current and voltage in series and parallel circuits. Learning Goals Explore basic electricity relationships. Explain basic electricity relationships in series and parallel circuits. Use an ammeter and voltmeter to take readings in circuits. Provide reasoning to explain the measurements and relationships in circuits.
科目 物理学
等级 本科生 - 低年级, 高中
类型 Remote Learning, 实验室, 家庭作业
语言 英语
关键词 inquiry, parallel, remote, series
仿真程序 电路组建实验:直流 (HTML5)

作者 Trish Loeblein
学校/组织 PhET
提交日期 20-4-2
更新日期 20-4-6