Designing Experiments Using Masses & Springs 一颗金星 象征着 是通过PhET设计指南所设计出来的高质量的探究活动。

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标题 Designing Experiments Using Masses & Springs
描述 This activity was used in 9th grade physics to help students learn how to design their own investigations. The learning goals were: 1) Write testable questions 2) Isolate variables 3) Organize data in tables 4) Analyze data (draw conclusions) The file "Week11.doc" shows how this lesson fit into the whole week's plan. We did this activity on Tuesday.
科目 物理学
等级 初中, 高中
类型 实验室
持续时间 60 分钟
语言 英语
关键词 design, experiment, force, investigations, mass, spring
仿真程序 重物和弹簧

作者 Karen King
学校/组织 Denver School of Science and Technology
提交日期 07-8-13
更新日期 15-4-28