How are products and factors related?

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Назва How are products and factors related?
Опис This activity focuses on making a connection between the numbers in the rows and columns of a times table and the product they create. The students will play with the simulation to find the relationship between products and factors as they notice the total number of boxes highlighted based on the rows and columns highlighted. This can also be extended into a lesson on arrays.
Предмет Математика
Рівень 1-4
Тип Діяльність з супроводом, Лабораторні
Тривалість 30 хвилин
Відповіді включені Ні
Мова English
Ключові слова colums, divide, factor, multiply, product, rows
Симуляції Арифметика (HTML5)

Автор(и) Seda Serpin
Школа/ Організація STEM
Створено 28.03.18
Оновлено 28.03.18