Ripple While You Work

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Назва Ripple While You Work
Опис I traditionally used a version of this observation-based lab with ripple tanks; however, this proved too time-consuming for the objective. Students were able to perform the activity with little support from me and could probably be used for homework. The PhET Sound simulation makes a great follow-up demonstration.
Предмет Фізика
Рівень Старші класи
Тип Домашня робота, Лабораторні
Тривалість 60 хвилин
Відповіді включені Ні
Мова English
Ключові слова diffraction, interference, reflection, wave, waves
Симуляції Wave Interference

Автор(и) David Moutoux
Школа/ Організація Jefferson County School District, Bear Creek High School
Створено 05.05.08
Оновлено 05.05.08