PHET Charges and Fields Activity Part 1

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Názov PHET Charges and Fields Activity Part 1
Popis Students are challenged to find the relationship between: 1) the charge and the field strength and 2) the distance and the field strength. They decide what data to collect, graph it, and use Logger Pro to figure out the best curve to fit the data.
Predmet Fyzika
Úroveň Stredná škola
Typ Sprievodné aktivity
Trvanie 60 min
Vrátane odpovedí Nie
Jazyk Angličtina
Kľúčové slová Charges, Experimental Design, Field Strength
Simulácia Elektrické pole nábojov

Autor(i) Nikki Folkerts
Škola / Organizácia Valmeyer High School
Dátum odoslania 14.10.2015
Dátum aktualizácie 14.10.2015