Molecule Shapes Advanced

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ශීර්ෂ පාඨය Molecule Shapes Advanced
විස්තරය An activity in which students learn all the shapes normally used in learning the VSEPR system of predicting molecular shapes.
විෂය Chemistry
මට්ටම High School, Undergrad - Advanced, Undergrad - Intro
වර්ගය Guided Activity, Lab
කාලය 60 minutes
ඇතුලත්කල පිළිතුරු No
භාෂාව ඉංග්‍රීසි
මූලපද Lewis, VSEPR, basic chemistry, bent, bipyramidal, bond, chemistry, covalent, diagram, education, electron, geometry, high school chemistry, linear, lone, lone pair, model, molecular, molecule, octahedral, pair, pentagonal, planar, pyramidal, square, tetrahedral, trigonal
අනුහුරුකරණ අණුක හැඩ (HTML5), Molecule Shapes

කර්තෘවරු Aaron Keller
පාසල / ආයතනය Scarborough High School
ඉදිරිපත් කල දිනය 1/11/16
යාවත්කාලීන කල දිනය 1/11/16