Activity: Wave on a String

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Titlul Activity: Wave on a String
Descriere This activity guides students through observations which will teach them what the terms wavelength, frequency, amplitude, and the speed of a wave mean. Students will explore the proportion between wavelength and frequency and will end the activity by writing an equation relating those quantities to the speed of a wave. Suitable for basic physics or anywhere an introduction to the basics of describing waves would be helpful, such as in astronomy or chemistry when studying the electromagnetic spectrum.
Disciplina Astronomie, Chimie, Fizică
Nivel Gimnaziu, Licențiat - Intro, Liceu
Tip Activitate dirijată, Idei pentru discuții, Laborator
Durata 30 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie amplitude, frequency, inverse, proportion, speed, wave characteristics, wavelength
Simulare(i) Unde in fire (HTML5)

Autor(i) Aaron Keller
Școală / Organizație Scarborough High School
Data transmiterii 05.03.2019
Data actualizării 05.03.2019