Balancing Act Homework Activity 1 and 2 A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Título Balancing Act Homework Activity 1 and 2
Descrição This is my first submission. I am interested in creating interactive homework activities students can use to practice physics concepts in a fun way. I plan to use the first part before I teach torque and the second part after we've tried some calculations in class. Thank you for any feedback or suggestions!
Assunto Física
Nível Ensino Secundário
Tipo Trabalho para Casa
Duração 60 minutos
Respostas Incluídas Não
Idioma English
Palavras Chave balancing act, equilibrium, forces, torque
Simulações Balancing Act

Autores kimberly skinner
Escola / Organização riverhead high school
Submetido 09-08-2012
Atualizado 11-08-2012