Unit Rate as Slope

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Tytuł Unit Rate as Slope
Opis This lesson is to be used after students have seen y= rules graphed on the coordinate plane and have discussed the two key features of a linear graph: slope and y-intercept. Students will work in groups to model different real-world proportional relationships and examine the ratio of parts to determine unit rate. Students will interpret the slope of the graph as the unit rate and describe key features of the proportional relationships as features of the related graph.
Przedmiot Matematyka
Poziom Gimnazjum, Liceum
Rodzaj Aktywność kierowana, Inne
Czas trwania 60 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Tak
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe direct variation, graph, linear, proportion, slope, unit rate, y-intercept
Symulacja(e) Zabawa w proporcje (HTML5)

Autorzy Cary Hoste
Szkoła / Organizacja Casey Middle School
Data przesłania 17-08-01
Data zaktualizowana 17-08-01