Introduction to Vectors

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Tytuł Introduction to Vectors
Opis This activity is designed to be used by students who are not already familiar with vectors. I used it as a precursor to the graphic method os adding vectors and the mathematical method of adding vectors. I found that the students were much more compotent with visualizing what these vectors were and how they worked than in the past when the simulation was not used.
Przedmiot Fizyka, Matematyka
Poziom Liceum
Rodzaj Laboratorium
Czas trwania 30 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe Vectors
Symulacja(e) Dodawanie wektorów

Autorzy Katherine Frett
Szkoła / Organizacja Green Mountain High School
Data przesłania 06-09-29
Data zaktualizowana 06-09-29