Weak vs. Strong

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Tittel Weak vs. Strong
Omtale Explore the relationship between weak and strong acids; compare pH and [H+] of an acid at different concentrations; compare pH and [H+] for two acids of same concentration but different strength; compare weak and strong acids at molecular level
Emne Kjemi
Nivå Vidaregåande skule
Type Lab, Remote Learning
Tid 30 minutt
Inneheld svar Nei
Språk English
Nøkkelord H+, pH, strong acids, weak acids
Simuleringar Syre-Bare-løysingar (HTML5)

Forfattarar Jaime Stasiorowski
Skule / Organisasjon Deerfield High School
Lasta opp 04.05.20
Oppdatert 04.05.20