Electricity in the Home

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Tittel Electricity in the Home
Omtale Students will construct a parallel circuit to simulate a circuit in the home. They will use a fuse to limit the current. This will provide instruction on how circuits in homes are wired and protected.
Emne Fysikk
Nivå Vidaregåande skule
Type Discussion Prompts, Lab, Lekser, Remote Learning
Tid 30 minutt
Inneheld svar Nei
Språk English
Nøkkelord amps, circuits, current, fuse, parallel, series
Simuleringar Circuit Construction Kit: DC (HTML5), Krinsbyggar (likestraum) (HTML5)

Forfattarar David Wirth
Skule / Organisasjon Millennium High School Science Department
Lasta opp 27.04.20
Oppdatert 27.04.20