Student Guide for PhET - Gravity and Orbits

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Tittel Student Guide for PhET - Gravity and Orbits
Omtale Using screen shots, I tried to make a guide for the simulation that requires little-to-no added instructions and students will still get the benefits of the simulation that I want them to get.
Emne Astronomi, Fysikk
Nivå Ungdomsskule, Vidaregåande skule
Type Discussion Prompts, Guided Activity, Lab, Lekser
Tid 30 minutt
Inneheld svar Nei
Språk English
Nøkkelord gravity orbit moon planet satellite
Simuleringar Gravity and Orbits (HTML5)

Forfattarar Brian Libby
Skule / Organisasjon Ben Davis High School
Lasta opp 30.12.16
Oppdatert 30.12.16