Mixing paint with ratios

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Tittel Mixing paint with ratios
Beskrivelse This is an argumentation lesson that follows the 4-part model of argumentation described in "Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School-The What, Why, and How: A Step-by-Step Guide With Activities, Games, and Lesson Planning Tools."
Emne Matematikk
Nivå Ungdomsskole
Type Discussion Prompts
Varighet 60 minutter
Svar inkludert Nei
Språk English
Nøkkelord argumentation, equivalent ratios, ratios
Simuleringer Proportion Playground (HTML5)

Forfattere Jennifer Knudsen, Teresa Lara-Meloy, Amanda McGarry
Skole / Organisasjon PhET
Lastet opp 29.08.18
Oppdatert 17.02.20