Gas Properties Simulation

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शिर्षक Gas Properties Simulation
वर्णन This is a guided inquiry lab in which students explore the relationships between pressure, temperature, volume, and rates of diffusion. Students explore the relationships between volume and pressure, temperature and kinetic energy, amount of matter and pressure, and temperature and pressure.
विषय भौतिक्शास्त्र
स्तर उच्च माध्यमिक, माध्यमिक
प्रकार Guided Activity, गृहपाठ, प्रयोगशाळा
उत्तरांसह नाही
भाषा इंग्रजी
खुणेचे शब्द Diffusion, Pressure, Temperature, Volume
सादश्य वायूंचे गुणधर्म (HTML5), वायूचे गुणधर्म

लेखक Joel Meservy
शाळा/संस्था Fulton High School
दाखल दिनांक 12/3/19
आद्यवत 12/3/19