Air Resistance Lesson A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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शिर्षक Air Resistance Lesson
वर्णन Lesson Objectives: 1. Students will be able to describe projectile motion without air resistance. 2. Students will be able to explain the effect of air resistance on a projectile. 3. Students will be able to explain the relationship between shape and air resistance. 4. Students will be able to contrast the motion of a projectile without air resistance to motion with air resistance. 5. Students will be able to predict the amount of air resistance an object would have relative to other objects. Standards: TEKS Science: 8.3C, 8.6C CCRS Science Standards: VIII-C1 **Note:** The scripted version includes additional teacher resources, such as, background content, common misconceptions and a vocabulary list. It also has all worksheets as editable content.
विषय भौतिक्शास्त्र
स्तर माध्यमिक
प्रकार प्रयोगशाळा
कालावधी 60 मिनिटस
उत्तरांसह नाही
भाषा इंग्रजी
खुणेचे शब्द air pressure, air resistance, drag coefficient, projectile motion
सादश्य Projectile Motion (HTML5), Projectile Motion

लेखक UTeach Middle School PhET Team
शाळा/संस्था UTeach UT-Austin
दाखल दिनांक 3/26/12
आद्यवत 8/23/17