Electric Field Hockey Simulation Homework Auksinė žvaigždė pažymi aukštos kokybės, vartotojų apklausomis paremtas veiklas, sukurtas pagal PhET dizaino gaires.

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Pavadinimas Electric Field Hockey Simulation Homework
Aprašymas This homework covers the topic of electric charges and Coulomb's Law through the Electric Field Hockey SIM. It consists of one question with several parts. This activity was developed in 2003 before most of our research with PhET interviews and before we developed the Inquiry Guidelines. Therefore, the lessons are more directed then we would now recommend. Also, this activity was used in a course with very large enrollment (200+), so many questions are constrained to being multiple choice or numeric for computer grading. Please email [email protected] if you are a teacher and would like a solution key.
Tema Fizika
Lygis Bakalauras - pažengusiųjų, Bakalauras - įžanga
Tipas Namų Darbai
Įtraukti Atsakymai Ne
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai charge, electric, electric field, field, hockey, phet activity
Simuliacija(-os) Electric Field Hockey

Autorius (-ai) Kathy Perkins, Carl Wieman
Mokykla / Organizacija University of Colorado
Pateikimo data 08.4.30
Data atnaujinta 11.1.8