Virtual Science Teachers Mechanical Waves Escape Room

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제목 Virtual Science Teachers Mechanical Waves Escape Room
설명 PhET Waves on a String and Intro to Waves simulations are embedded into a Virtual Science Teachers interactive titled "Mechanical Waves: You've Been Abducted by Aliens". Students use the PhET simulations to answer questions throughout the interactive. Several places require students to get 5 questions in a row correct before continuing. This requires students to truly engage with the interactive and not just click through it. The last page of the interactive includes an opportunity for the student to sign and screenshot their name. The worksheet includes several of the questions in the interactive and a CER activity.
주제 물리학
수준 고교목록 구분 중학
유형 논의 조언목록 구분 선다형 개념 질문목록 구분 숙제목록 구분 안내된 활동목록 구분 원격학습
기간 60 분
정답 포함 아니요
언어 영어
키워드 Mechanical Waves
시뮬레이션 줄의 파동 (HTML5)목록 구분 줄의 파동목록 구분 파동: 기초 (HTML5)

저자(들) Donna Falk and Suzanne Sprague
학교/기관 Virtual Science Teachers
제출일 24. 2. 9
업데이트 날자 24. 2. 9