(BNCC) Float or Sink? An essay on the density of materials - Part I

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제목 (BNCC) Float or Sink? An essay on the density of materials - Part I
설명 A simple, dynamic and elegant class for Kindergarten and Elementary School on an important property of materials: density. We will check the behavior (float or sink) of an object when placed in water and we will be able to make predictions about what might happen to other objects. We will develop the ability to organize information through a table and improve our drawing skills.
주제 물리학목록 구분 생물학목록 구분 수학목록 구분 지구과학목록 구분 화학
수준 초등
유형 시범목록 구분 실험목록 구분 안내된 활동
정답 포함
언어 영어
키워드 Density목록 구분 Kindergarten목록 구분 Science목록 구분 elementary school목록 구분 investigation목록 구분 material properties목록 구분 preschool
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저자(들) Bernardo Dias
학교/기관 Colégio
제출일 23. 12. 6
업데이트 날자 24. 3. 14