Games in Net Force

구글 활동에 편집 접근을 요청하지 마십시요.

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제목 Games in Net Force
설명 A guided virtual lab activity to get students thinking about how the net force on an object changes its motion. Some students initially think that the forces will be different depending on where on the rope the players are located (one of the introductory slides attempts to address this). They may still think the computer simulation does not reflect the real-world, though. Caveats: - It may not be clear that the candy cart is operating in "frictionless" conditions (the players must have friction). - In a real game, you can't add and remove people from the rope.
주제 물리학
수준 고교목록 구분 중학
유형 숙제목록 구분 실험목록 구분 안내된 활동목록 구분 원격학습
기간 30 분
정답 포함 아니요
언어 영어
키워드 Forces목록 구분 Motion목록 구분 Newton's Laws
시뮬레이션 힘과 운동: 기초 (HTML5)

저자(들) Alfonso Navarro
학교/기관 Wareham High School
제출일 20. 10. 28
업데이트 날자 20. 10. 28