Playing with atoms

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제목 Playing with atoms
설명 Activity allows students to explore how an atom is structured; they explore how to write these atoms with respect to atomic number, mass and charge. They are extended into exploring ionic structure and finish with some neat games. There is an introductory video link that explains how to use the simulation meaning teachers only need to help students. Would work nicely for 1-2 lessons.
주제 화학
수준 고교
유형 숙제목록 구분 실험목록 구분 안내된 활동
기간 60 분
정답 포함 아니요
언어 영어
키워드 atom; atomic structure; protons; neutrons; electrons; nucleus; electron shells
시뮬레이션 원자 만들기 (HTML5)

저자(들) Simon Lees
학교/기관 St Hildas
제출일 17. 7. 27
업데이트 날자 17. 7. 27