Solutions Unit Sample 골드스타는 PhET 설계 지침에 따른 양질의 탐구기반 활동임을 의미합니다.

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제목 Solutions Unit Sample
설명 Want to know how one teacher blends simulation use with hands-on activities and in-class engagement? Here’s my unit plans for” Solutions” which includes learning goals, lesson plans, student handouts, clicker questions, and labs. I noted that I used a textbook for reading, helping with lecture, and practice, but I didn’t provide textbook specific pages because I think any chemistry book would have good resources for solutions. I put links to the PhET activities because the Word and Powerpoint versions are posted under Molarity and Sugar and Salts sim pages; the materials are open source, so they can be adapted.
주제 화학
수준 고교목록 구분 대학-하급
유형 개념 질문목록 구분 숙제목록 구분 시범목록 구분 실험
정답 포함 아니요
언어 영어
키워드 dissociation목록 구분 dissolve목록 구분 inquiry목록 구분 molarity목록 구분 phet
시뮬레이션 몰농도 (HTML5)목록 구분 몰농도목록 구분 설탕과 소금 용액

저자(들) Trish Loeblein
학교/기관 PhET
제출일 13. 6. 22
업데이트 날자 15. 5. 27