Introduction to Fourier Analysis

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제목 Introduction to Fourier Analysis
설명 This activity is designed to help students gain a qualitative intuitive understanding of Fourier Analysis. It was developed to be used in a sophomore level modern physics course, after lecture instruction on atomic models. a sophomore level modern physics course. For more details about the course, please see: It is not as inquiry based as the guidelines recommend because the course requires computer grading, so the questions are very directed.
주제 물리학목록 구분 수학
수준 대학-상급목록 구분 대학-하급
유형 숙제
정답 포함 아니요
언어 영어
키워드 Advanced Math목록 구분 math목록 구분 phet activity목록 구분 sine목록 구분 superposition목록 구분 wave
시뮬레이션 푸우리에: 파형만들기 (HTML5)목록 구분 푸리에: 파동 생성

저자(들) Sam McKagan, Kathy Perkins and Carl Wieman
학교/기관 University of Colorado
제출일 06. 7. 23
업데이트 날자 21. 10. 13