Moving Man - Distance vs. Time Graphs

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სათაური Moving Man - Distance vs. Time Graphs
აღწერილობა This is an activity designed as an introductory exercise to Distance vs. Time graphs and only basic graphing skills are needed to complete the activity. The students will: Develop a general knowledge of Distance vs. Time graphs. What a graph of a person standing still would look like What graphs of a person moving either towards or away from an observer would look like. How differences in speed appear on the graph.
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ხანგრძლივობა 30 წუთი
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ენა English
საკვანძო სიტყვები Heat, Stat Mech, Thermo
სიმულაციები The Moving Man

ავტორები Steve Reeves
სკოლა / ორგანიზაცია Standley Lake High School
წარდგენილია 8/2/05
განახლებულია 5/19/15