Using the Atomic Interactions PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Energy Changes Associated with Bond Forming and Bond Breaking Events

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題名 Using the Atomic Interactions PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Energy Changes Associated with Bond Forming and Bond Breaking Events
内容 This activity was done in week four of a first term college level general chemistry course. The activity was done at the beginning of the unit on chemical bonding, which was initiated immediately after the unit on electronic structure, and was done as the initial exploration into the concept of chemical bonding.
課題 化学
レベル 学部課程 - 基礎
タイプ Guided Activity
所要時間 90 分
解答を含む はい
言語 英語
キーワード Chemical bonding, bond stability, energy changes & bond making/breaking, potential energy of chemical bonds
シミュレーション 原子間相互作用 (HTML5)

著者 Jack Eichler, Ellen Yezierski, Brianna Minshall
学校 / 団体 UC Riverside
送信日 20/10/13
更新日 22/10/26