Reactants, Products, and Leftovers Activity 2: Limiting Reactants in Chemical Reactions A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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題名 Reactants, Products, and Leftovers Activity 2: Limiting Reactants in Chemical Reactions
内容 This can be used with the Java or HTML5 sim, but the images are all from the Java version Learning Goals: Students will be able to: •Predict the amounts of products and leftovers after reaction using the concept of limiting reactant •Predict the initial amounts of reactants given the amount of products and leftovers using the concept of limiting reactant • Translate from symbolic (chemical formula) to molecular (pictorial) representations of matter •Explain how subscripts and coefficients are used to solve limiting reactant problems.
課題 化学
レベル 学部課程 - 基礎, 高等学校
タイプ Discussion Prompts, Multiple-Choice Concept Questions, Remote Learning, 実験教室, 宿題
解答を含む いいえ
言語 英語
キーワード chemical reactions, inquiry, limiting reactant, molecular representation, phet, stoichiometry
シミュレーション 化学反応 (HTML5), 反応物、生成物とその残り

著者 Trish Loeblein
学校 / 団体 PhET
送信日 11/07/04
更新日 20/04/06