Waves on a String Discovery Activity

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題名 Waves on a String Discovery Activity
内容 Students make observations of: (1)the differences between pulses reflected off of free and fixed end and (2)the effect of tension on wave pulses. Students then compare and constrast the properties of each. For a continuous stream of pulses, students conduct an experiment to determine the relationships between: (1) frequency and wavelength, (2) frequency and wavespeed, (3) tension and wavespeed, (4) amplitude and wave speed.
課題 物理学
レベル 高等学校
タイプ 実験教室
所要時間 60 分
解答を含む いいえ
言語 英語
キーワード Algebra, Equations
シミュレーション 弦を伝わる波

著者 Lori Andersen
学校 / 団体 Grafton High School
送信日 07/04/20
更新日 07/09/18