Conservation of Mechanical Energy

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Title Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Description Conservation of Mechanical Energy LAB REPORT Objectives: - To verify the conservation of mechanical energy by determining the relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy. The total mechanical energy of an object at any height is the same if only the force of gravity is working on the object and there is no friction.
Subject Physics
Level High School, Middle School, Undergrad - Intro
Type Guided Activity, Lab, Remote Learning
Duration 30 minutes
Answers Included Yes
Language English
Keywords Conservation, Mechanical, energy, kinetic, lab, potential
Simulation(s) Energi Skate , Energi Skate: Dasar (HTML5), Energi Skate: Dasar

Author(s) El Mahdi Darouich
School / Organization University of Sharjah
Date submitted 20/11/24
Date updated 20/11/30