Data Detective

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Cím Data Detective
Leírás This set of lessons focuses on teaching students to model perfect linear relationships involving bivariate data with an equation and a graph, to use scatterplots and best fit lines to represent imperfect linear relationships, and to distinguish perfect vs. imperfect linear relationships. Students will learn to recognize different kinds of association. Students will also begin to evaluate model fit for imperfect linear relationships by considering how tight a fit is and the range of possible values for one variable given a known value for the other variable.
Tárgy Matematika
Szint Középiskola alap
Típus Guided Activity
Válaszokkal Nem
Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak bivariate data, linear relationships, modeling, scatter plots
Szimulációk Legkisebb négyzetek módszere (HTML5)

Szerző(k) Kelly Findley, Mary Burr
Iskola / Szervezet Florida State University
Közreadás 2018.09.07.
Frissítés 2018.09.07.