Vector Activity

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Cím Vector Activity
Leírás This is an activity I wrote for the Vector Addition sim. It was used by my regular physics classes. The students had to figure out what vectors to depict in the sim and find sums and angles. This lab did not deal with the x- and y-components of vectors, as we had yet to cover those. I used this lab on the same day I introduced adding vectors graphically.
Tárgy Fizika
Szint Középiskola emelt
Típus Labor
Időigény 60 perc
Válaszokkal Nem
Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak Vectors
Szimulációk Vektorösszeadás

Szerző(k) Amy Jordan
Iskola / Szervezet Evergreen High School
Közreadás 2005.10.20.
Frissítés 2015.09.02.