Energy skate park

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Título Energy skate park
Descrición This assignment is for 4th grade, they will be answering a few questions and talking about questions with their peers. They will also be creating their own skate park ramp for fun and can write on there where the most energy is held for the different energies.
Tema Física
Nivel 11
Tipo Guided Activity, Laboratorio
Duración 60 minutos
Respostas incluidas Non
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave kinetic energy, potential energy
Simulacións Enerxía Parque Patinaxe: inicio (HTML5)

Autores sydney martin, Patrice Edwards
Centro Escolar / Institución College of coastal Georgia(physical science class)
Presentado 10/10/23
Actualizado 11/9/23