Natural Selection Lab Questions

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Título Natural Selection Lab Questions
Descrición After students have become familiar with the controls and functions of the simulation, and are able to take measurements using the generation line graph in the simulation, they will complete this lab. In lessons prior to this one, students have already learned some basic concepts about dominant and recessive traits and Punnett Squares.
Tema Bioloxía
Nivel Secundaria obrigatoria
Tipo Deberes, Laboratorio, Remote Learning
Duración 60 minutos
Respostas incluidas Non
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave Biology, Natural Selection, Traits
Simulacións Natural Selection (HTML5)

Autores Patrick Borden
Centro Escolar / Institución Bridgeport Public Schools
Presentado 1/6/21
Actualizado 1/6/21