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Título PHETman
Descrición The students will build a roller coaster and use conservation of energy to determine the velocity at various points. They will check their results with the speedometer tool. Students are encouraged to use energy diagrams to analyze each situation.
Tema Física
Nivel Bacharelato, Universitario - Inicio
Tipo Deberes, Guided Activity, Laboratorio, Remote Learning
Duración 60 minutos
Respostas incluidas Non
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave Energy, convservation, kinetic energy, potential energy
Simulacións Enerxía Parque Patinaxe: inicio (HTML5)

Autores David Wirth
Centro Escolar / Institución Millennium High School Science Department
Presentado 11/24/20
Actualizado 11/24/20