Spectra of Light

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Título Spectra of Light
Descrición This lab is used in an astronomy unit while studying stellar specta. It is meant to help students understand how light is created, why light is different colors and how this is related to the different spectra for different elements. This will eventually be related to what we can determine about a star based on its spectral lines.
Tema Astronomía
Nivel Bacharelato
Tipo Laboratorio
Duración 60 minutos
Respostas incluidas Non
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave light, spectrum
Simulacións Luces de Neón e outras lámpadas de descarga

Autores Adrian Carmichael
Centro Escolar / Institución Cherrry Creek High School
Presentado 4/7/08
Actualizado 4/7/08