Testing Ideas from Classical and Quantum Physics Une étoile d'or indique, les activités de haute qualité fondées sur la recherche qui suivent les directives de conception PhET.

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Titre Testing Ideas from Classical and Quantum Physics
Description In this activity, students will first run the simulation develop characteristics of a model for the hydrogen atom based on their initial observations. Then they will test different models, comparing them to the characteristics of their model and to their observations. This activity simulates how scientists often work, developing models based on observations and then testing those models.
Durée 30 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés hydrogen atom, model building
Simulation(s) Modèles de l'atome d'Hydrogène

Auteur(s) Bruce Palmquist
Ecole / Organisation Central Washington University
Date de soumission 29/09/12
Date de mise à jour 29/09/12