Projectile Motion (Anwar Mabrouk Al-Talha)

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Otsikko Projectile Motion (Anwar Mabrouk Al-Talha)
Kuvaus Show a sheet that includes a complete exercise about projectile movement. The projectile motion is the form of movement by which a particle or projectile, as it is called, is thrown near the surface of the Earth, and moves in a curved path that is subject to the effect of the acceleration of gravity only.
Aihe Fysiikka
Taso Muu
Tyyppi Guided Activity, Laboratoriokoe
Vastaukset mukana Kyllä
Kieli Englanti
Avainsanat Lab, Projectile Motion
Simulaatiot Projectile Motion (HTML5)

Tekijät Anwar Mabrouk
Koulu / organisaatio UOS
Lähetetty 8.10.2020
Päivitetty 9.10.2020