Simple series and parallel circuit comparison.

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Pealkiri Simple series and parallel circuit comparison.
Kirjeldus For beginning circuit exploration: Part I: How does changing the voltage and the resistance affect the current that flows? Part II: How does adding more bulbs in series affect the current and brightness of the bulbs, and how does removing one bulb from series affect the others? Part III: How does adding more bulbs in parallel affect the total current and brightness of the bulbs, and how does removing one bulb from the series affect the others?
Õppeaine Füüsika
Tase Keskkool, Põhikool
Tüüp Discussion Prompts, Praktikum, Remote Learning
Kestus 30 minutit
Koos vastustega Ei
Keel inglise
Võtmesõnad series parallel circuit dc
Simulatsioonid Circuit Construction Kit: DC - Virtual Lab (HTML5)

Autorid Michael Dollens
Kool / Organisatsioon Zionsville Community High School
Sisestatud 10.12.20
Uuendatud 10.12.20