energy systems phet worksheet

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Pealkiri energy systems phet worksheet
Kirjeldus This worksheet is meant to complement the American Modeling Teacher's Association Physical Science unit on energy (their first qualitative unit on energy, compared to the later quantitative unit on energy). I use it between systems schema and energy pie charts. Before this worksheet, students collectively generate a list of types of energy, and we refine them into formal definitions. Then we do this simulation.
Õppeaine Füüsika
Tase Keskkool
Tüüp Guided Activity, Praktikum
Kestus 60 minutit
Koos vastustega Ei
Keel inglise
Võtmesõnad forms of energy, systems
Simulatsioonid Energy Forms and Changes (HTML5)

Kool / Organisatsioon urbana high school
Sisestatud 7.02.20
Uuendatud 7.02.20