Plate Tectonics A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Pealkiri Plate Tectonics
Kirjeldus Part 1 is designed to guide students through a comparison of oceanic and continental crust. Part 2 allows students to explore the different types of plate boundaries and the resulting features created at each type.
Õppeaine Maateadus
Tase Keskkool
Tüüp Praktikum
Kestus 60 minutit
Koos vastustega Ei
Keel inglise
Võtmesõnad plate boundaries, types of crust
Simulatsioonid Plate Tectonics

Autorid Karen Mogren
Kool / Organisatsioon High School
Sisestatud 30.03.13
Uuendatud 30.03.13