Bond Polarity vs Molecule Polarity

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Titel Bond Polarity vs Molecule Polarity
Beschreibung Students consider what factors determine if a molecule is polar. Inquiry is lead by the student's own curiosity. The activity assumes students have been introduced to the relationship between electronegativity and bond character and resulting compound properties.
Thema Chemie
Niveau Sekundarstufe II
Typ Online Lehre
Dauer 30 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte polarity
Simulation(en) Dipolmoleküle (HTML5)

Autoren Deborah Maloney
Schule / Organisation Milford High School & Applied Technology Center
Eingereicht am 17.04.20
Aktualisiert am 17.04.20