DC Circuit Lab

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Titel DC Circuit Lab
Beschreibung This lab is good for review of the concepts learned about circuits. Topics covered are Ohm's law, resistance, parallel & series configurations, combination circuits, switches, shorts, battery configurations. This has been used successfully with AP Physics 1 and conceptual physics at the high school level. With some modification, this could be used for discovery (introduction of concepts with some modification).
Thema Physik
Niveau Hochschule - Grundstudium, Sekundarstufe II
Typ Praktikum
Dauer 90 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte DC Circuit Physics Review Introduction Intro Lab AP Conceptual series parallel combination switch battery resistor short
Simulation(en) Stromkreise schalten: Gleichstrom (HTML5), Stromkreis Baukasten (Gleichstrom), Stromkreise schalten: Virtuelles Gleichstrom-Labor (HTML5), Stromkreis Baukasten (Gleichstrom), virtuelles Labor

Autoren Sean Boston
Schule / Organisation Timberline High School
Eingereicht am 01.05.19
Aktualisiert am 01.05.19