Electric Field Hockey Post Activity

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Titel Electric Field Hockey Post Activity
Beschreibung This is a post lab activity which helps students to analyze charges and electric fields. I usually have the students play with the simulation first and then give this activity as a follow up. This leads to some great dialogue.
Thema Chemie, Physik
Niveau Hochschule - Grundstudium, Sekundarstufe II
Typ Diskussions Hinweis, Hausaufgabe, Praktikum
Dauer 30 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte Charge, Coulombs Law, Electric Fields
Simulation(en) Elektrisches Hockey

Autoren David Wirth
Schule / Organisation Millennium High School
Eingereicht am 03.02.16
Aktualisiert am 03.02.16