Electric Field Lab Ein goldener Stern steht für qualitativ hochwertige Beiträge, welche den PhET Design Richtlinien entsprechen.

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Titel Electric Field Lab
Beschreibung Learning objective: Overall expectation: Investigate in qualitative and quantitative terms electric fields and solve related problems Specific learning objective: Describe the properties of electric fields: -the variables that affect the interaction between charged bodies -the strength and direction of the electric field around a charged body -the use of vectors to help explain the interactions Part I -Minds On -15 minute introduction to the background information needed to complete the Electric Field lab Part II - Critical Thinking Activity - Students will work in groups of 3-4 in order to complete the Electric Field Lab.
Dauer 90 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte Electric Charges, Electric Field, Electric Field Vectors
Simulation(en) Ladungen und Felder

Autoren Siros Amini
Schule / Organisation Earl of March Secondary School
Eingereicht am 27.11.14
Aktualisiert am 04.12.14